If you’re on social media, you will have no doubt noticed an uptick in darkroom-related activities in our community. From home processing black and white and colour film to RA-4 darkroom printing, it seems that more and more people are getting into the darkroom in one way or another, and that’s fantastic news.

Here are just a few of the articles you and the rest of the community enjoyed reading this year. For the rest, head on over to read everything else filed under darkroom here on EMULSIVE.

~ EM

The Arista Rapid E-6 kit: a guide to developing your own slide film – READ

Agave Lady, Mamiya RB67, 127mm 3.5KL, Fuji Velvia 50
The Arista Rapid E-6 kit: a guide to developing your own slide film

Anecdotal evidence: My darkroom tricks and treats – READ

Anecdotal evidence: My darkroom tricks and treats - by Fred Rosenberg
Anecdotal evidence: My darkroom tricks and treats – by Fred Rosenberg

How-to: Make cyanotype prints from analog or digital negatives without sunlight – READ

How to Make cyanotype prints-from-analog-or-digital-negatives-without-sunlight by Anthony Chatain
How-to: Make cyanotype prints from analog or digital negatives without sunlight

Review: Comparing FF No.1 and Cinestill Df96 monobath developers – READ

Review: Comparing FF No.1 and Cinestill Df96 monobath developers

Making colour prints in the darkroom: welcome to RA-4 printing – READ

Making colour prints in the darkroom: welcome to RA-4 printing
Making colour prints in the darkroom: welcome to RA-4 printing

A practical guide to… Lith printing – READ

Cover: A practical guide to lith printing
A practical guide to… Lith printing

How I built my darkroom for less than $500 – READ

Cover: How I built my own darkroom for less than $500
How I built my darkroom for less than $500

Introducing MAYA: the incredible modern digital darkroom timer – READ

Introducing MAYA - the incredible modern digital darkroom timer
Introducing MAYA: the incredible modern digital darkroom timer

The Simple Enlarger: compact, portable, low-cost darkroom printing for all – READ

Cover - The Simple Enlarger - compact, portable, low-cost darkroom printing for all

Greta Thunberg: capturing the voice of the 21st century using 150-year-old wet plate photography – READ

Greta Thunberg: capturing the voice of the 21st century using 150-year-old wet plate photography
Greta Thunberg: capturing the voice of the 21st century using 150-year-old wet plate photography

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The transfer of knowledge across the film photography community is the heart of EMULSIVE. You can add your support by contributing your thoughts, work, experiences and ideas to inspire the hundreds of thousands of people who read these pages each month. Check out the submission guide here.

If you like what you’re reading you can also help this passion project by heading over to the EMULSIVE Patreon page and contributing as little as a dollar a month. There’s also print and apparel over at Society 6, currently showcasing over two dozen t-shirt designs and over a dozen unique photographs available for purchase.

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