I don’t

Shot on Kodak Tri-X 400 at EI 400
Black and white negative film in 35mm format
Overdeveloped two stops (N+2)

Read the Kodak Tri-X 400 review here.
…and don’t forget about the Tri-X 400 push processing guide!


I don't - Shot on Kodak Tri-X 400 at EI 400. Black and white negative film in 35mm format.
I don’t

Shot on Kodak Tri-X 400 at EI 400.

Black and white negative film in 35mm format.



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4 responses to “Photography: I don’t – Shot on Kodak Tri-X 400 at EI 400 (435mm)”

  1. This is a cool thing to find and take a picture of.
    Details of photo capture and development confuse me. Photo looks underexposed on purpose. So why to push process 2 stops? It says exposed at 400 EI. OK so you developed in chemicals as if it was shot at 100 or 1600? Looks like shot at 800 and develop normal to me. Of course I am often fooled. LOL

    1. This one is an overdevelopment of two stops, so I should have used that instead of “push processed” in this case – even though the physical method is identical! Anyway, the description should reflect that and I’ve just updated it. Thanks for lending me your eagle eye, Larry.

      1. Thanks! It was just hurting my brain. I’ll get used to the way you say it soon.

  2. Is this some kind of wheel of fortune phrase?


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